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3 Of The Best Things To Do In Virpazar

3 Of The Best Things To Do In Virpazar

Lake Skadar is one of the top attractions in Montenegro. That’s why visiting Virpazar is a must in your Montenegro itinerary. Except for the lake, there are 2 other activities I did. Continue to read to find 3 of the best things to do in Virpazar. 

  1. Take a boat trip on Lake Skadar 
  2. Walk in the small town 
  3. Check out the viewpoints

Take a boat trip on Lake Skadar

There are different options to explore the lake like kayaking, fishing and boat cruising. Boat cruising is definitely the most popular way to do it. All boat tours to explore the lake start in Virpazar.


During the boat tour, you will cruise the narrow canals of the lake. The prices may vary from company to company, but in general, a group boat trip of 2 hours is 20 euros per person (29$ CAD). A group boat trip of 3 hours is 25 euros per person (37$ CAD). During the high season, you need to book online in advance to guarantee a place on the boat. During the other seasons, you can also book online or directly at Virpazar. This way, you can compare the options in person.

Walk in the small town 

The streets around Virpazar Stone Bridge are so cute. The hotels, the restaurants and the boat shops make this very small town lively. It won’t take you long to walk everywhere, that’s why I recommend stopping in a restaurant or a café.

Check out the viewpoints

Here are 2 viewpoints you can do on foot from Virpazar town to have an amazing view of Lake Skadar. I did both of them and it was a good workout. I recommend renting a car or taking a taxi if you are not up to the challenge. 

Circular Viewpoint: This was by far the best viewpoint of the 2, but it was also the most difficult one. From Virpazar to Circular Viewpoint, on foot, it takes 1 hour. It’s uphill all the way to the viewpoint and the road is in a constant “zigzag”. By car, it takes 10 minutes. Even if the sky was cloudy the day I was there, the view was very nice.

Besac Fortress: The access to this medieval fortress is free. The viewpoint is way lower than Circular but still nice. You can see Lake Skadar and the mountains from the fortress. From Virpazar to Besac Fortress, on foot, it takes 15 minutes. By car, it takes 2 minutes.

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