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4 Of The Best Things To Do In Podgorica

4 Of The Best Things To Do In Podgorica

When hearing about Montenegro, the first cities to come out are always Kotor, Virpazar and Budva. It’s like Podgorica, Montenegro’s capital, is nonexistent. I decided to spend 3 days in Podgorica to see what it had to offer. Before giving you the details, I need to tell you something: there are not as many activities to do in Podgorica as in the other cities. If you only have a short time in Montenegro, I would honestly skip the capital. However, if you have the time to explore the country, I recommend spending 2 days in Podgorica. Here are 4 of the best things to do in this city. 

  1. Have a picnic at Njegosev Park
  2. Orthodox Temple of Christ’s Resurrection
  3. Enjoy the river under the bridge
  4. Day trip to Virpazar

Have a picnic at Njegosev Park

This big & peaceful park is a great place to enjoy a picnic, a book or some quality time with your friends while soaking up the sun. Located close to the Moraca River, it’s the perfect place to catch a breath of fresh air and disconnect from the city.

Orthodox Temple of Christ’s Resurrection

Like most European cities, there’s always a cathedral to visit in a new city. In Podgorica, the Orthodox Temple of Christ’s Resurrection is a nice free visit to add to your itinerary. Open from 8 am to 8 pm, the interior of this cathedral is sublime.

Enjoy Moraca River under the bridge

Podgorica is the first capital I have seen with a beautiful clear water river. I was shocked by its color and cleanliness. I spent an afternoon under Millennium Bridge with my feet in the icy water. I even saw some dogs swimming in the river. If you are looking for an activity to relax and enjoy life, this one’s for you!

Day trip to Virpazar

Virpazar is a small town located on the lake Skadar. This lake is one of the most popular attractions in Montenegro. Virpazar is worth a day trip from Podgorica because all boat tours to explore the lake start there. To know more about Virpazar, check out: 3 Of The Best Things To Do In Virpazar

The cheapest option to get from Podgorica to Virpazar is by train. A ticket one way is €1.40 (2$ CAD). It takes about 30 minutes from one city to the other. You can buy your ticket directly at the train station. Click here to find the schedule of the trains.

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