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6 Of The Best Things To Do In Siquijor

6 Of The Best Things To Do In Siquijor

Siquijor is an island in the Philippines known for its mystic activities and “black magic”.  But it’s so much more than that! It’s one of my favorite places in the country because of its peaceful aspect and its accessibility. Since Siquijor is quite small, you can visit the whole island by renting a scooter because the activities are located everywhere. However, know that all the action/nightlife is located in San Juan. It’s the area where hostels and restaurants are mainly located. So, here are 6 of the best activities to do when you’re visiting Siquijor: 

  1. Cambugahay Waterfalls
  2. Lugnason Waterfall
  3. Old Enchanted Balete Tree
  4. Cantabon Cave
  5. Butterfly Sanctuary
  6. Enjoy the peaceful beaches

Cambugahay Waterfalls

Cambugahay Falls is a stunning natural activity renowned for its pristine turquoise waters. The falls consist of three main tiers. It’s possible to swim in each of them. Since it’s one of the main attractions on the island, I highly recommend going there in the morning before the mass of tourists shows up. This way, you’ll appreciate the tranquility of the waterfalls and their surroundings. 

*This isn’t my picture, my phone wasn’t working while I was on Siquijor*

Price: There’s a 20 PHP (0.50$ CAD) entrance fee. You can also pay an extra 50 PHP (1.20$ CAD) for unlimited Tarzan swings.

Lugnason Waterfall

Lugnason Waterfall is another natural gem on the island. However, it’s quite smaller compared to Cambugahay, it still has its charm. Like the Cambugahay waterfalls, there’s also a small pool at the base of the cascade to swim. This is the perfect activity for you if you’re looking for an ambiance with serene surroundings and surreal natural landscapes.

*This isn’t my picture, my phone wasn’t working while I was on Siquijor*

Price: Free to visit, but there’s a 10 PHP (0.25$ CAD) fee for scooter parking.

Old Enchanted Balete Tree

The Old Enchanted Balete Tree is one of the most famous activities in Siquijor. It’s one of the reasons why the island is associated with “mystical magic”. Anyway, this ancient tree is believed to be over 400 years old, which means that it’s massive. The legend claims that mystical beings inhabit the surroundings of the tree.

The cool thing about this activity is the natural fish spa experience it offers. We can dip our feet into the small pool at the base of the tree, where hundreds of tiny fish eat away at dead skin. It sure is a unique experience.

Price: The entrance fee for this activity is 20 PHP (0.50$ CAD).

Cantabon Cave

Cantabon Cave is renowned for its stunning rock formations, and underground rivers. It’s possible to explore the network of chambers and passages of the cave. One of the highlights of this activity is its bat population.

Price: The entrance fee is 20 PHP (0.50$ CAD) per person. An extra 500 PHP ($11.85) is also possible if you wish to have a guide. 

The guide fee is good for up to 3 people and there’s an extra 100 PHP for any additional person. Having a guide includes a life vest and a helmet.

What to bring: Water shoes, headlamps and a water camera/phone water pouch. If you don’t have these things, you can rent water shoes and headlamps for 50 PHP (1.20$ CAD) each at the entrance of the cave site.

Butterfly Sanctuary

The Butterfly Sanctuary is the perfect tranquil and peaceful escape on Siquijor. The sanctuary is home to a diverse array of butterfly species and vibrant flowers. It consists of walking in the sanctuary while witnessing the butterflies in their natural habitat. 

*This isn’t my picture, my phone wasn’t working while I was on Siquijor*

Price: The entrance fee is 100 PHP/per person (2.40$ CAD).

Enjoy the peaceful beaches

I think everyone knows how beautiful the beaches are in the Philippines, and Siquijor is no exception to this fact. There are many beaches on the island, and I didn’t visit them all. To be honest, I spend my whole week at the same beach: Paliton Beach.


I had such a great time there, the water was beautiful and there weren’t too many people. Wherever you choose to go, you’ll have a great time, but I highly recommend visiting Paliton Beach!

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