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9 Of The Best Things To Do In Mostar

9 Of The Best Things To Do In Mostar

Mostar is a vibrant and enchanting city that captured my heart. The rich history of the city and its stunning architecture make it, in my opinion, the best place in Bosnia and Herzegovina. There’s so much to do in Mostar so let’s dive right in on 9 of the best things to do in this city.


  1. Check out the Stari Most Bridge
  2. Swim in the Neretva River
  3. Wonder in the Old Town 
  4. Visit the Koski Mehmed Pasha Mosque
  5. Go to Vidikovac Fortica for the best night point in Mostar

Day trip from Mostar:

  1. Blagaj
  2. Kravica Waterfall 
  3. Pocitelj 
  4. Mogorjelo 

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Check out the Stari Most Bridge

The iconic Stari Most, also called the Old Bridge, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Stari Most was built in the 16th century and reconstructed after the Bosnian War. It’s more than a bridge, it’s a symbol of unity and resilience that connects the two sides of the city. There’s no need to tell you that it’s a must-visit attraction that offers stunning views and a good spectacle. In fact, diving from the bridge has been a tradition for centuries. The divers, known as “mostari”, perform impressive jumps into the Neretva River. It’s so famous that for 8 years now, there’s been an annual Red Bull Cliff Diving competition held in summer.

Swim in the Neretva River

The Neretva River is a beautiful river that flows through Bosnia and Herzegovina, including Mostar. It is known for its crystal-clear turquoise waters and various water activities such as rafting, swimming and cliff diving. If, like me, you are always looking for a spot to swim, check the area near the Kriva Ćuprija bridge. There is a small beach called Beach below Stari Most on Google Maps. It’s a great spot for relaxation and picnicking. Just be sure to check the current and be mindful of others and safety precautions before taking a dip.

Wonder in the Old Town

The Old Town of Mostar, also known as the Stari Grad or the Old Bazaar, is a charming and historic neighborhood. As you wander through the narrow cobblestone streets, you’ll come across traditional stone houses, shops, cafés, and restaurants. The highlight of the Old Town is the Kujundziluk, a bustling market street filled with colorful stalls, handmade crafts, and delicious local treats. Don’t miss it!

Visit the Koski Mehmed Pasha Mosque

The Koski Mehmed Pasha Mosque is a stunning architectural gem in the heart of the Old Town. For 14 KM (10$ CAD), you can climb up its minaret (tower of the mosque). From the top, you’ll see breathtaking views of the surrounding area, including the Stari Most Bridge and the Neretva River. Whether you’re interested in the history and architecture of the mosque or want to enjoy the views, a visit to the Koski Mehmed Pasha Mosque is definitely a must!

Go to Vidikovac Fortica for the best night view of Mostar

This activity was recommended to me by my hostel and wow, I had such a blast. At night, there is no fee since you simply go on the transparent bridge and enjoy the view of Mostar.

Blagaj – Day trip 

Blagaj is a small village famous for its monastery, the Blagaj Tekija. It was built into the side of a cliff next to the Buna River. Exploring the 16th-century Dervish monastery is possible as well as taking a boat ride along the river. However, I was told that since you don’t see many things inside the cave because it’s dark, the fee to visit the inside of the cave wasn’t worth it. And honestly, the view from outside is more than enough.

Buna River is also an incredible thing on its own. It is the largest underground river in Europe. The water emerges from a cave at the base of a cliff, creating a beautiful blue, cold and translucid river.

I did this activity on a day trip from Mostar. Continue to read to find out how to book your trip and how to spend your days in Mostar.

Kravica Waterfall – Day trip

The picture speaks for itself. Kravica Waterfall, often referred to as the “mini Niagara Falls”, is a true natural gem. The area around the waterfall is perfect for picnics and relaxation. There are also restaurants making it possible to eat lunch while enjoying the view. If you are game, swimming in the crystal-clear waters is possible, but I must tell you it is absolutely freezing. 

I did this activity on a day trip from Mostar. If you don’t plan on doing this activity on a day trip, the entrance fee is 20 KM (15$ CAD). Continue to read to find out how to book your trip and how to spend your days in Mostar. 

Pocitelj – Day trip 

Pocitelj is a charming little town known for its well-preserved medieval architecture and panoramic views. The Hajji Alija Mosque from the 16th century is the iconic landmark of the town. From both the mosque and the Pocitelj Fortress, you can see the breathtaking surrounding countryside. If you’re a fan of historic sites and old towns, you’ll have a blast in Pocitelj! 

I did this activity on a day trip from Mostar. If you don’t plan on that, this stop is free since you mainly walk in the beautiful streets of this town. Continue to read to find out how to book your trip and how to spend your days in Mostar. 

Mogorjelo – Day trip 

Now known as an archaeological site, Mogorjelo was once a Roman villa. If you love to walk through history and imagine what life was like during the Roman era, this activity is for you! You’ll see the remains of the villa’s grand halls, mosaic floors, and even a Roman bath complex. 

This activity is possible to do on a day trip from Mostar. Continue to read to find out how to book your trip and how to spend your days in Mostar. 

How to book your day trips

Honestly, there is no wrong answer on how to book your day trips since there are so many options. I find that the best way to book a day trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina is through your habitation. I booked with my hostel so that means they were picking me up at my hostel and bringing me back at the end of the day. I know for a fact you can book your day trips through 90% of your hostel and hotel reception. 

I stayed at Hostel David. I chose this hostel because of the amazing reviews of the day trips with David, and they were right. It was awesome! I had such a nice day. I cannot recommend it enough for backpackers!

If this option doesn’t sound right for you, you can simply walk in the Old Town. You will see stands at many places with day trip options. This way, you can compare the activities and the prices and choose the best one for you.

How to spend your days in Mostar

I recommend spending a minimum of 3 days in Mostar with the day trips included. Here is what I did and what I recommend:

Day 1: spend the entire day exploring Mostar and its beauty! At night, go to Vidikovac Fortica for a view of the city. 

Day 2: make your first day trips. In one day, it’s possible to visit Blagal, Krevica Waterfall and Pocitelj. That’s what I did, and I had such a nice day. I left my hostel around 9 am, and I was back at 7 pm. 

Day 3: if you still have energy, do the Mogorjelo day trip. This activity is not as long as the others so it should only take half of your day. During the other half or the entire day, if you are not up for this trip, enjoy Mostar for one last time.

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