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Best Ethical Elephant Sanctuary In Thailand

Best Ethical Elephant Sanctuary In Thailand

Thailand is known for its majestic elephants, but it’s important to choose an ethical sanctuary to ensure the well-being of these incredible animals. Sadly, the activity of visiting an elephant sanctuary being so popular, some sanctuaries are not open for the right reasons. In this article, I will tell you about one of the best ethical elephant sanctuaries and my experience visiting it. I will also guide you through the process of selecting the right elephant sanctuary in Thailand, so you can have an unforgettable and responsible experience. 

  1. The best ethical elephant sanctuary: Bukit Elephant Park
  2. Main things to consider – avoid – red flags 

The best ethical elephant sanctuary: Bukit Elephant Park

My experience at this park was incredible. The first interaction we had with the elephants consisted of feeding them small bananas. This small part already made the experience memorable. They explained to us that they only had female elephants for many reasons and that all of the 7 elephants they had were saved and brought there for different reasons. They explained the history of each elephant one by one, showing us their scars and what they meant. 

As you can see, some places on the skin of elephants are paler. This is actually considered scars caused, for example, by wearing circus accessories. This one definitely had to wear a headpiece.

At the ankles, it is by the chains that surround their paw for very long moments.

We had the chance to take pictures with two of the elephants. What showed us how truthful and well-intentioned the workers were, is how they told us specifically which elephant was okay with pictures. Because yes, in fact, not all the elephants were okay having contact with strangers and the workers listened to the elephant’s needs and desires. Everyone stayed respectful of that statement and was really careful and gentle with the two elephants we had the chance to approach. 

Another thing they shared with us, and that really touched my heart, is how much elephants are their priority. If, for example, an elephant gets sick, an employee may stay overnight with it. And yes, they’ll even spend the night in a pen to make sure everything’s okay. They’ll give them the care they need. In addition, it was not difficult to notice the gentle interactions that elephants have with employees. It is very easy to notice their complicity and trust in them.

They explained to us that all the money collected from the activity fee was going for the worker’s paycheck, the elephant’s medicine and care. 

This sanctuary is located in Phuket and I highly suggest you go there. Click here to have access to the sanctuary website. If you did not plan on visiting Phuket and you really want to go somewhere else, take the time to learn what are the red flags to avoid.

Main things to consider – avoid – red flags

  1. Riding elephants: Riding can cause harm and distress to these majestic animals. Take a look at the form of their back, do you see a good way for a human to sit there? 
  2. Shows, dances, circus: Training an elephant is a huge harm already. Good ethical sanctuaries will save elephants from training places. 
  3. Chains and restraints: Elephants are not aggressive if they are in the right place. If they need to be restrained for the safety of the visitors, it’s because something worse is happening before the visit. Ethical sanctuaries prioritize allowing the elephants to roam freely and exhibit their natural behaviors. 
  4. Bathing the elephants: Do you think elephants take baths in nature? They wash themselves their own way and certainly don’t get rubbed by a human. Yes, it makes cute pictures, but it is not ethical at all. 
  5. Lack of transparency: Please avoid sanctuaries that are not transparent about their practices and policies. Support companies that provide detailed information about their conservation efforts and the well-being of their elephants. 
  6. Size of the sanctuary: The sanctuary needs to be big enough for the elephants to roam and engage in natural behaviors. Larger sanctuaries with a small number of elephants.

Your choice of an ethical elephant sanctuary is not only about having an incredible experience but also about supporting the well-being and conservation of the animals. By avoiding activities like riding and shows, ensuring transparency, and prioritizing the freedom and natural behaviors of elephants, you can make a responsible choice and a big difference. All these factors will allow a truly unforgettable and meaningful experience.

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