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Best Things to Do and See, Arikok National Park, Aruba

Best Things to Do and See, Arikok National Park, Aruba

Now this is the fun part! There are so many things to see and do at the park, but here I will tell you about the ones I did and my experience at them. I will also tell you about other popular activities I didn’t do, explaining why, and also the best way to do them. Let’s take a look at the 7 best activities you should do at Arikok National Park of Aruba:

  1. Stop along the main paved road
  2. Dos Playa
  3. Boca Prins
  4. Fontein Cave
  5. Fish Pedicure
  6. Quadirikiri Cave
  7. Vader Piet
  8. Conchi (Natural Pool)

Stop along the main paved road 

Make sure to take your time on the road and stop whenever you want to enjoy the view and take pictures like this.

Dos Playa

Dos Playa consists of two adjacent coves where you can enjoy the breathtaking views of the rugged coastline and the crashing waves. It’s an excellent spot for photography.

*This is not our picture.*

Boca Prins

It’s a picturesque beach known for its dramatic limestone cliffs, sandy dunes, and strong waves, making it a visually stunning but less crowded destination. 

Fontein Cave

This is definitely one of the most famous caves in Aruba. The cave is renowned for its ancient Arawak petroglyphs, which were created by the island’s indigenous people, and its intriguing limestone formations.

Fish Pedicure

When you’re at Fontein Cave, ask the guide to bring you to this little stream where small fish will eat the dead skin from your feet!

Quadirikiri Cave

This cave is famous for its impressive limestone formations and natural light that filters through holes in the ceiling, creating a dramatic and enchanting atmosphere. It is also known for its historical significance and the legends associated with it. 

Vader Piet

If you follow the road, you’re probably going to pass by this wonderful wind farm at Vander Piet, on the boundary of the park.

Conchi (Natural Pool)

This is a natural rock pool on the northeast coast of Aruba, accessible only by off-road vehicle or a long hike. It’s a popular spot for both swimming and snorkeling. 

Visiting this natural pool can be a thrilling adventure. Sadly, with the vehicle we had, we could not access it and didn’t have time to do the hike before the park’s closing hour.

*This is not our picture.* 

The best way to visit is definitely by off-road vehicle. The rugged terrain requires a 4×4. You can also take a challenging hike from the park entrance, which takes around an hour and a half to 2 hours.

You can rent a 4×4 with 4 places for around 400$ CAD or 2 places for around 360$ CAD and spend the day like you want in the park! Click here to learn more.


You can take a guided tour that includes the entrance fee to the park, the 4×4 vehicle, and much more like this one! Click here to learn more.

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