Cataratas Escondidas : The Ultimate Guide


This free waterfall is a great option if you don’t want to pay for the Ecological Reserve Fortuna Falls. There is almost no one there as it is very little known. You can swim in the water to get closer to the waterfall and enjoy the view. 

Here, I will give you a complete guide from the start to the end of the trail!

  1. Start at the Ecological Reserve Fortuna Waterfall
  2. Go to the left of the gate
  3. Follow the path until the intersection
  4. Cross the river
  5. Follow the trail until the waterfall
  6. Enjoy the cold water

Start at the Ecological Reserve Fortuna Waterfall

The beginning of the trail is at the Ecological Reserve Fortuna Waterfall. You can park your car in the parking lot, there is no fee. 

Then, you continue walking to the right of the building. The gravel road doesn’t stop after the building, follow it. After 2 minutes, the gravel road will become grass. You are on the right path. You will walk for about 5-10 minutes.

Go to the left of the gate

You are going to see a massive gate. It is black and has a “Defence To Cross” sign on it. If you look on your left, there is a small path that goes around the gate to the other side. Take it. Once you are on the other side, continue walking for about 15-20 minutes. 

Follow the path until the intersection

When the path ends there will be an intersection. Go on the left. (The one on the right leads right to the forest, not a good idea) Once again follow the trail until the river. This trail goes down so be careful to not hurt yourself as it is always slippery.

Cross the river

This one is easy. Cross the river. However, be careful because the current can be powerful if it rained the day before.

Follow the trail until the waterfall

As you can see in the picture, the second trail for the waterfall starts where the arrow is pointing. Follow the trail for about 5 minutes!

Enjoy the cold water

At this point, you should arrive at the waterfall. Take off your shoes and enjoy the (very) cold water!!