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Checked VS Carry-On Backpack: What Is Best?

Checked VS Carry-On Backpack: What Is Best?

There is no perfect answer to this question. It really depends on your preferences and needs. The proof to that statement is that Léonie and I(Jezabel) are doing the opposite. Here are some pros and cons for both options to help you make that decision.


Pros :

  • Stress free
  • Faster airport arrivals & departure
  • Save money on the fees

It is stress-free if you normally tend to stress on whether your checked bag is on the same plane as you.

The airport’s arrival can be extremely quick. You only have to go through customs and immigration before you are good to go. When you get off the plane, you don’t have to wait for your luggage on the carousel. You can directly go to customs and enjoy your trip!

You will save money on the fees if the plane ticket does not include a checked bag. It may seem like nothing but paying a 60$ CAD fee for a checked bag can add up very fast when you are traveling. Carry-on luggage is a good way to save money when you’re on a budget.

Cons : 

  • You need to pack lighter
  • Limited wardrobe
  • Long layovers are horrible
  • Big souvenirs? Forget that too
  • You might end up checking it in anyways if you aren’t organize 

You need to pack lighter since the maximum size for carry-on is obviously way smaller than the maximum for checked in luggage.

You are pacting lighter which gives you a very limited wardrobe. You will be overdressed or under-dressed for many occasions. Bigger clothes for winter travels are impossible. 

Long layovers are horrible because whenever you move in the airport, you have to put your big backpack on. You only want to go to the bathroom? Doesn’t matter you have to put everything on. 

You want to bring back big souvenirs? You definitely don’t have space for a lot of them if your carry-on is already full. 

A downside of carry-on is that you might end up checking it anyway. If you are really organized and aware of the airline’s condition this should not happen. I (Léonie) never had to checked my bag when I intended to have my backpack as a carry-on. Normally the dimensions are 22x14x9 inches. When you book a flight ticket, the dimensions of the carry-on are always said on the website. That’s why even if some airlines might surprise you with a smaller carry-on, you should always check in advance to be ready for any possibilities. However, you need to know that some airlines can be really strict on the weight. Sometimes it is only 5kg(11lbs) maximum… But honestly, I (Léonie) never had this problem because my carry-on looked small so they never felt the need to weigh my backpack.

Checked bags

Pros :

  • No stress at check-in
  • Packing is easier
  • Lost of luggage is not common anymore
  • Long layover are easy

There is no stress of respecting all the carry-on restrictions. Especially if you are traveling with your backpacking backpack, the chances of the size being too big or the weight too heavy for check-in is really close to none.

Packing is easier since you have more space and don’t need to cut on the things you want to bring as much.

The chances of losing luggage have drastically reduced. It is not a 0% chance but still, the cases have gone down 70% over the last ten years according to SITA Baggage Reports.

Long layovers are easy since you only have to carry around your day backpack, purse or whatever small bag you have with you on the plane.

Cons : 

  • Additional fee
  • Possible damage during transport

It is way more common than before for the checked-in luggage fee to not be included in the plane ticket. You will have to pay a fee that can go between 30 and 60 canadian dollars per flight. The cost can go up fast if you are traveling between many countries on the same trip.

Without the right protection, there are risks of damages and breakage. Having a lot of belts dangle outside your bag makes it easy to get stuck. It happened to me (Léonie) when I did my first backpacking trip. I checked-in my bag and one of the buckles broke and the hip support didn’t work anymore. My trip with my backpack was horrible since I had all the weight of my bag on my shoulders. 

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