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Everything There Is To Know About Italy

Everything There Is To Know About Italy

Are you planning a trip to Italy and wondering what information you should know about the country? You’re on the right page! Here, you’ll find out everything there is to know about Italy. 

Italy is Europe’s fourth most visited country, with 49.81 million visitors yearly. Be aware that most people don’t speak English, so you will probably have to use Google Traduction. I hope you will like Italy as much as I did!

The people

As I said earlier, most Italians don’t speak English. In fact, only 13% of Italians speak English. It might be complicated to communicate with them. Yet, I found that most Italians are lovely people. They helped me navigate in different cities and always answered me with a smile on their faces. 

However, always be careful. Some people are dishonest and they are trying to use you to spend your money and your time. For example, they will put a rose or à bracelet in your hands and they will harass you to pay for it because you touched it. Selling items is their job. For us tourists, it is a waste of time and honestly, it is annoying. It can get tiring for us to deal with their attitudes and sneakiness.

When you should go

I went to Italy in January and the end of May. Honestly, both seasons have their pros and cons. Here is a short list I made to help you understand the main differences between the 2 seasons:


Summer (End of May to July):


  • Beautiful sunny days to swim in the ocean and get a tan.
  • The nightlife is always better in the summer! 


  • It can get very hot. Trust me when I say it can be really annoying to visit when you are sweating uncontrollably. 
  • High season:  a lot of tourists and higher prices.

*This picture is during the summer*

Winter (December to February 


  • Low season: fewer tourists and cheaper prices.
  • The temperature is more tolerable than in the summer. 


  • It can get cloudy and rainy, which is a sad thing if you are trying to visit a city on foot. 

*This picture is during the winter*


I didn’t experience Italy during autumn (september-october) and spring (april to end of may), but I heard great things about these months. They also are the perfect low seasons. There are fewer tourists, the temperature is a perfect mix between summer and winter and the prices are still cheaper than during the summer. 

Money currency

Italy is one of the many countries in the eurozone. Therefore, their currency is the Euro (€). Unlike Canada, there is no tax. Every price you see is the final price. Also, tipping is not expected. It is never mandatory, but it is always nice to leave a tip if you feel like the person deserves it. 

There is usually a big fee when getting money out of an ATM. You should always try to pay by card. Go get Euros at your local bank in your country before traveling. You will save a lot on ATM fees.

What to eat

In Italy, lunch is typically between 1 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. Dinner is between 8:30 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. Most of the time, the dinners consist of 4 courses.  The starter, the primo (first course), the secondo (main course) and the dessert.  Primo is usually a pasta or soup dish, and secondo is a meat or fish dish.

I hope I don’t surprise you when I say the typical dishes to try in Italy are pizza, pasta, and risotto. For dessert, gelato and tiramisu are always winners.

How to use your phone / SIM card

The most affordable and easy way to have access to your phone is to buy an E-card / pre-paid SIM card. You can buy them online, they are way cheaper than anything at the airport! I bought mine 2 days before I left and it was perfect. The company I used was Holafly and you have multiple options depending on what you want. For example, it’s €34 for 10 days or €47 for 15 days.  

If you don’t want to pay for a SIM card, don’t worry, there’s Wi-Fi everywhere. Most of the time, when I go to Europe, I don’t pay for a SIM card. Instead, I download the maps before I go there (either on Maps.me or Google Maps). If I really need WI-FI, I stop at a McDonald’s, a grocery store or a mall.

Some facts

Here are some fun facts about Italy:

  • Italy has the most citizens over 65 years old in the entire European Union.
  • The Colosseum is over 1900 years old. Rome on the other hand is over 2000 years old.
  • Each year, the Trevi Fountain collects around 1.7millions$ from coins thrown in the fountain.
  • The world’s smallest country is inside Rome city: The Vatican City.
  • Modern pizza was invented in Naples, Italy.
  • Italy’s National Day is celebrated on the 2nd of June.

Basic words to know

One of my favorite preparations, when I travel, is to learn some basic words in the language of the country I am going to. It only takes a few minutes every day. I find it makes all the difference to bond and be respectful with the locals. Of course, you don’t need to know all of them, but only a couple can take you a long way! Here are all the basics I like to know to have smoother conversations with Italian people: 

  • Hello – Ciao
  • How are you? – Come stai
  • Nice to meet you / Pleasure – Piacere di conoscerti
  • Excuse me – Mi scusi
  • Thank you – Grazie
  • Yes – SÌ
  • No – No
  • Please – Per favore
  • You’re welcome – Prego
  • Do you speak English? – Parli inglese ?
  • I don’t understand – Non capisco


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Different accommodation options

Villas/Apartments: Renting a villa/apartment is definitely the most eye-pleasing option. You can find some crazy original stays! Most of the time it is equipped like an apartment, so you will have a fridge and a cooking space. It will be pricier, but you can save on eating out if you cook at your villa. It is a good option for families or if you are a big group of people. You can split the price, and it can be more fun than being all separate in hotel rooms. 

Hotels: Hotels are a classic. There are plenty of them with a huge price range. You will be well welcomed and have access to services you don’t get in a villa. Some hotels have spas, some have yoga classes and so much more. Your room will get cleaned every day, and you will have access to room service. If you are an anxious person, hotels are your best option. You will definitely feel more secure since there is always someone working nearby.

Hostels: If you are a backpacker, this is the cheapest option for you. It is less luxurious, less comfortable, less a lot of things. But it is an amazing experience to live while you are young. You will have one bed in a shared room with others. This is the best way to meet people if you are traveling solo. Some hostels have group activities to help with that. You are young, your back is not broken yet, and you can sleep in a less comfortable space in exchange for living an incredible experience. 

Essential apps to have

Transport: Having access to transport in Italy is so easy! 

  • Download Omio

Gives you the best & cheapest way to travel in Europe comparing the bus, car (shared rides), train, and plane. You can book everything directly on the app. I find the prices are always the same or sometimes cheaper than on the websites of the companies.

  • Download Uber

You order your car knowing already the price it will cost. You know when your driver will be there, and you have the option of paying cash or directly with your card on the app. I always prefer to pay cash. This way I could always round up the amount and leave a tip. They deserve it! You can even order food on Uber Eat! 


Places to stay:

  • Booking: You will find all three types of accommodation.
  • Airbnb: You will find amazing and original villas/apartments.
  • Hostel World: This is an app for hostels only. You will find the best ones with an amazing rating system to help you make your choice. There are also group chats on the app with the people who will be staying at the same place as you. 


  • Maps.me: You can download any maps and use them without Wi-Fi.
  • WhatsApp: It’s a classic. Everyone in Europe uses WhatsApp to text and call. 
  • Too Good To Go: You can buy food from restaurants and stores for cheaper prices that would otherwise have been thrown away at the end of the day.  
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