Everything There Is To Know About Semuc Champey, Guatemala

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Semuc Champey is truly a hidden gem. Nestled deep in the heart of Guatemala, this extraordinary site is renowned for its series of cascading turquoise pools and limestone bridges. Visiting this gem is not really complicated once you know the important things. If you are reading this, you probably don’t know them so let’s find out!

  1. Where to go to access this activity  
  2. How to get to the city
  3. Best hostels to stay at
  4. How to get to the river
  5. Entrance fee and guided tours
  6. What to do – Extra activities

Where to go to access this activity 

Lanquin is the place to be! As you might know already, Guatemala’s altitude varies a lot depending on the region. Lanquin is one of those spots in low-altitude so it will be warmer! Yay! Semuc really is the big thing to do there so don’t plan on staying there a long time unless you want to go to the river every day.

How to get to the city

If you plan on going to Flores/Tikal, I suggest you go first and then Lanquin. If you skip Tikal, you will probably be going to Lanquin from Antigua. It will be a long ride! 

  1. Antigua to Lanquin : Prices will vary from 150Q to 300Q and the journey will take between 8 to 10 hours depending on road conditions and stops along the way.
  2. Flores to Lanquin : Prices will be more between 250Q and 400Q and the journey is about the same as Antigua. It is pricier because there are less people and less options.

Tips : 

  • I highly suggest booking in advance, especially if you are from Flores, because the spots go out quickly! 
  • Check with multiple tour operators for best prices and schedules!
  • Also check with your hotel/hostel for shuttle booking services!
  • Try traveling during the night to not waste an entire day of your trip on a shuttle. Sadly you might have to like we did. If you do travel during the night, inform yourself on the condition of the transport : is it a small shuttle with no toilet or a big bus with a toilet and lying down benches.

Best hostels to stay at

When we traveled to Lanquin, the two best options were Zephyr Lodge and Vista Verde Hostal. The weird aspect of these hostels : they require a two night stay minimum… if you planned a one-night stay like us, you will still have to pay for 2 nights. There are not a lot of hostels in Lanquin, and it is a very popular destination so they do sell out! We went at the end of January and a couple of hostels were completely booked.

  1. Vista Verde Hostal : The one we stayed at, very cool rooms, nice pool, good and affordable restaurant, with a calmer ambiance. Prices always vary depending on the moment of your visit but are around $15.00 CAD per night for dorm rooms.
  2. Zephyr Lodge : THE party hostel of Lanquin, favorite of backpackers, more modern, amazing pool with insane view. Prices also vary but around $30.00 CAD per night for dorm rooms. Double the price of Vista Verde but if you do have that money to spend, people say it is worth it.

How to get to the river

The two most popular options are either the Collectivo or a private Tuk-tuk.

Collectivo : It is a shared pickup truck ride where you hop in the boite de truck. You will most likely be standing up for the whole ride but might be able to sit down. These trucks leave regularly from the main square, I would say every 15-20 minutes, and take about 45 minutes to get to Semuc. They cost 25-30Q per person for one way.

Tuk-tuk : Very bumpy ride but you will laugh a lot. The price per person was the same when we were 4 and sharing. Tuk-tuk drivers are really hustling to try and make money so you can always negotiate the price of the ride to make sure you are not paying more per person than the Collectivo. Since we took a Tuk-tuk, we did not have to wait a minute because there are a lot of them, and you don’t have to wait for the truck to fill up with people. We got our driver’s number and when we were done at the river, we sent him a message, and he came to pick us up again. 

Hiking? We heard that you can hike to Semuc in about 2 to 3 hours. It does offer a more immersive experience however it is not recommended during the rainy season due to the slippery and challenging terrain. 

Entrance fee and guided tours

The entrance fee to Semuc Champey is 50Q per person. Around $9.00 CAD.

If you opt for a guided tour, here are the best options on the Viator website :

Semuc Champey Full Day

“We visit the Semuc Champey National Park and the Kamba Caves (these are caves with water inside since a small river runs inside the cave and there are two sections that must be crossed by swimming.” Click here to learn more!

Semuc Chapey & Kamba Caves 3 days 2 nights

“Explore the mystical caves of Kanba by candlelight, assisted by a member of the Q’eqchi Mayan group. You’ll pass through different water levels, swim in natural pools, and climb a waterfall. At Semuc Champey, see the natural limestone bridge and a stepped series of pools with cool, flowing river water.” Click here to learn more!

What to do – Extra activities

Of course, you can go only to enjoy the waters, swim and relax but here are three other things you can do : 

  1. Hiking : There are a couple of different hiking trails in and around Semuc Champey but the most popular one is “El Mirador”. You will get a panoramic view of the cascading pools and the surrounding jungles. It is moderately challenging and takes 30-45 minutes each way.
  2. Exploring Kan’Ba Cave : Guided tours will take you through the cave where you can climb waterfalls, wade through subterranean rivers and navigate dark passages by candlelight. This activity is wild and will get you wet so make sure to wear appropriate clothing and footwear.
  3. Tubing on the Cahabon River : This is a fun and relaxing activity where you can float on inner tubes along a gentle section of the river.

2 thoughts on “Everything There Is To Know About Semuc Champey, Guatemala

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