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Everything There Is To Know About San Francisco

Everything There Is To Know About San Francisco

San Francisco is a beautiful city many want to visit in California. Just like every city, there are good sides to it such as bad sides, and I am here to inform you about some of them.

  1. Beautiful architecture
  2. Not very safe
  3. Temperature/Climate
  4. Golden Gate Bridge
  5. Golden Gate Park

Beautiful architecture

I was amazed just by walking on the streets of San Francisco at how beautiful some houses were. The design of the houses and even the landscaping! Bushes and trees are all perfectly trimmed, it looks like a video game. 

Not very safe

It is sad to say, but there are a lot of break-ins in San Francisco. Many locals warned us to leave nothing in our rental car because the chances were high that we would get stolen. We went to a drugstore where everything was locked, even the Q-tips. Not only that, but we also went to a Starbucks where they didn’t even have chairs. Some people would leave notes on their car windows saying “We don’t have anything of value”. There are a lot of homeless on the streets, and sadly we’ve seen a lot of them under the influence, so we had to be careful. 


We went to San Francisco during summer and were expecting a warm climate, but we were wrong… In August, you need a hoodie if you plan to enjoy Baker Beach. It is very windy.

The weather is influenced by the cool currents of the Pacific Ocean. Fog is really present in the Bay Area, so you might not get the perfect views you normally see on the internet. 

Golden Gate Bridge

As I said in the Temperature part of this article, there is a lot of fog on the coast, so it is possible that you don’t see the bridge well. If you thought that bridge was so special it would feel like seeing the 7 wonders of the world, you will be disappointed. What is impressive about this bridge is the length of it, being almost 2 miles across the Golden Gate. Sadly, there is not a lot to do with it except for crossing it and taking a picture of it.

Golden Gate Park

This is my favorite part of San Francisco. There is a lot you can do and see in this park such as renting a bike and cycling around, seeing the Japanese Tea Garden, visiting the California Academy of Sciences and seeing the two functioning windmills in the park. My favourite part of the park was the Conservatory of Flowers, which is a beautiful garden that collects and preserves rare and exotic plants.

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