5 Of the Best Things to Do in Uluwatu, Bali

5 Of the Best Things to Do in Uluwatu, Bali

Uluwatu is the go-to destination for a laid-back, trendy vibe in Bali. Located on the edge of the island, it offers stunning views with its limestone cliffs, azure waters, and white sand beaches. Uluwatu arguably shows off the most beautiful beaches in Bali. Discover five of the best things to do in Uluwatu, including the top beaches to visit.

  1. Explore the Best Beaches of Bali
  2. Delpi Café (Incredible View) – Suluban Beach
  3. Balangan Viewpoint
  4. Temple d’Uluwatu et Kecak Fire Dance
  5. Surf

1. Explore the Best Beaches of Bali

If you don’t know already, Uluwatu is renowned for having the best beaches on the entire island. 

Here are the most popular ones: Nyang-Nyang Beach, Thomas Beach, Bingin Beach, Padang-Padang Beach, and Suluban Beach.

2. Delpi Café (Incredible View) – Suluban Beach

We stumbled upon Delpi Café while visiting Suluban Beach, and the view from this spot is simply breathtaking. We enjoyed a small fruit platter while taking in the moment.

Suluban Beach, home to the famous surfing point known as Blue Point, should definitely be on your Uluwatu bucket list.

3. Balangan Viewpoint

Another excellent spot for a scenic view is the Balangan Viewpoint. Unfortunately, I didn’t get the chance to visit it myself, so I don’t have any pictures to share. You can find it at the northern tip of Balangan Beach. If you have time, it’s definitely worth checking out.

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4. Uluwatu Temple and Kecak Fire Dance

The Uluwatu Temple is beautiful and attracts many tourists. There is an entrance fee of 50k IDR to access the temple.

In my opinion, the highlight is the Kecak Fire Dance, a unique performance held every day at 6 pm, lasting about an hour. When we visited in January, only cash payments were accepted, and the ticket price was 150k IDR. We arrived 15 minutes before the show, but all tickets were sold out. Luckily, we learned there was a second performance from 7 pm to 8 pm, so we bought our tickets and got to enjoy the show.

The Reality and My Opinion on the Dance:

While it’s called the Kecak Fire Dance, there isn’t much fire involved. The most impressive and unique part of this performance is the group of over 65 men using only their voices as instruments. I had never seen anything like it, and that’s what made it special. However, if you’re not into art or history, this dance might not be for you. What you see in videos is mostly what the performance looks like for the entire hour. Some characters appear as the show progresses, but it can feel repetitive. Many people commented on this, and I agree. Personally, I think 10 minutes would be enough for most people, but the performance lasts a full hour. Despite the redundancy, I believe missing out on this experience would be worse than sitting through the entire show.

5. Surfing

Surfers from around the globe flock to Uluwatu to catch some waves. The easier waves can be found at Padang-Padang Beach, making it a great spot for beginners.

What’s Next?

Now that you know the best activities in Uluwatu, it’s time to plan your trip! Here are some articles that could be helpful :

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