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Is The Philippines Safe For Solo Travelers?

Is The Philippines Safe For Solo Travelers?

As a solo female traveler, I found the Philippines a very safe country. It is considered a safe destination because there are so many islands and places to visit. This way, you can choose the popular ones and always be around others. However, just like any other destination, there are some risks. It is always important to take precautions and stay aware of your surroundings. Overall, the Philippines is known for its friendly locals and pristine beaches. So, here are some aspects to learn more about the safety in this Asian country: 

  1. Positive aspects indicating that the country is safe
  2. What to watch out for in the country
  3. Safety tips

Positive aspects indicating that the country is safe

  1. The locals are your friends – easy communication
  2. Transportation is easy and safe
  3. Accommodation everywhere

The Philippines is known for its friendly locals, as well as its warm atmosphere and hospitality. I can’t agree more. I didn’t expect much when I decided to visit the country, but I was shocked by how welcomed the locals made me feel. Of course, not 100% of them act like this with tourists, but with the majority, you’ll have great conversations and a good time. Most Filipinos speak good English, which makes it easy to talk to them and ask for help if needed!

Transportation is very easy and safe in the country. For most inter-island travel, you’ll need to take a plane. If not, almost all hostels and hotels have buses and boats organized for guests at their reception. It makes moving between cities and islands close to each other very easy to book. I also took the public bus when I was in Cebu City, and it was quite simple. All buses have their number and their destination on the front of the bus. People minded their own business, which made me feel very safe.

You know that when there are multiple options of hostels and hotels in each city/island, you have nothing to worry about. It’s very easy for solo travelers to find accommodation. Since there are a lot of tourists throughout the year, the chances of you being alone and in danger with no witnesses are close to none. It never happened to me and I walked quite often at night by myself to go to my hostel and I never felt in danger. 

What to watch out for in the country

As I said earlier, I never felt in danger in the Philippines. However, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be cautious. Like in every country in the world, there are people with bad intentions. Here are three negative aspects you always need to look out for:

Pickpocketing and theft: It’s a common practice, like in most touristic countries in the world. Since most people are not careful, it is not uncommon. For example, having an expensive, cute purse is not the best way to go. You do not want to attract attention to yourself.

I suggest having a fanny pack instead. It might be a little less cute but this way you can keep your most valuable belongings like phone, cards and passport close to you. Click here to see mine!


Drugs: Like in most countries where there’s a good nightlife, it’s important to always keep an eye on your drink and be careful when consuming alcohol and drugs. Some people (even tourists) have bad intentions, even more when you’re a solo female traveler. So this is only a reminder to be extra careful when going out while traveling. It’s easy to make new but fake friends in a bar/club and for them to have extremely bad intentions. 

*I do not under any circumstance encourage the use of drugs.*

Where you visit: I felt extremely safe in all the places I visited in the country except for Manila. Manila is known to be a rougher city with higher crime rates. Only go there if necessary. That’s why I recommend doing a quick search on the internet before going to an island to make sure it’s a popular one. Touristic and good reviews = mostly safe to travel to.

Safety tips

There are many small actions you can take that have the power to make a huge difference for your safety. Let’s take a look at some of the most important ones: 

How to stay safe in taxis: I highly suggest using a taxi app like Grab. You know the fixed price in advance, which avoids any scams, and have access to the driver’s personal details. Also, it makes them very unlikely to commit a crime, since they will be identified very easily. 


Buy padlocks for hostels: If you plan to stay in hostels, almost every single one of them will have lockers. They’re available for you to leave the most important stuff locked and secured. The thing is, you have to bring your own locks. Click here to see the ones I have.

Small alarm: When I went solo traveling, I bought this little alarm. It might not be magic, but the sound being very strong, it surely scares the criminal, calls for help and/or will buy you some time to react. Click here to see mine.


Stay connected: Make sure to keep your loved ones informed about your itinerary and stay in touch with them regularly. I have an iPhone and I love the localization app. I share my location with my parents, boyfriend and friends. 

Trust your instincts: If a situation feels uncomfortable or unsafe, trust your gut and remove yourself from it. Your safety is the top priority.

Respect the local culture: Dressing modestly and showing respect for religious sites will help you blend in and minimize unwanted attention.

These tips will help enhance your safety while traveling solo. Now, enjoy your trip and have fun exploring all that the Philippines has to offer. Check out my other articles to find out more about the country. My advice would be to start with this one: Everything There Is To Know About The Philippines.

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