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What To Do In La Fortuna

What To Do In La Fortuna

I had so much fun at La Fortuna. It truly is a city for everyone, from small budgets to larger ones. Here is a complete list of activities to do in La Fortuna:

What I did 

What I didn’t do and why

What I did 

El Salto 

El Salto is a free Tarzan rope. I went there every day for a week as it was so much fun. You wait in line to use the rope and there are different levels of difficulty. If it’s your first time, don’t worry, people will encourage you!

Arenal Volcano Trail to Cerro Chato 

A very difficult hike to do in La Fortuna, but it’s so worth the effort. It is completely free, don’t fall into the trap of the locals who ask 20US for the entrance. At the end of the trail, you can swim in the crater. I don’t recommend going there when it’s raining. The trail will get very slippery and dangerous. 

To know more check out my article : Arenal Volcano Trail To Cerro Chato: The Ultimate Guide

Angelina Garden 

This free garden is absolutely beautiful. It took me about 45 minutes to see everything and enjoy the view of the Arenal volcano. They need donations to keep the garden running. Don’t be shy to bring some money for the donation box at the entrance. 

Cataratas Escondidas 

This free waterfall is a great option if you don’t want to pay for the Ecological Reserve Fortuna WaterfallThere is almost no one there as it is very little known. You can swim in the water to get closer to the waterfall and enjoy the view. 

Mistico Arenal Hanging Bridges 

This is by far the most popular activity in La Fortuna. The entrance fee is 28 US. It took me 2 hours to walk the entire trail. I took my time to search for different animals and take amazing pictures. I recommend going at 6 am. I was the only one there, so the animals weren’t scared of the noises. When you go early, you have the whole place for yourself.  


Kalambu Hot Springs 

This one is a must if you travel with your friends or your family. The entrance fee is 10US. You have access to many natural spas, pools and 2 waterslides. The site is very big, and we almost had the place to ourselves. It was nice to spend the day without having tourists everywhere. You can bring your food and there’s a picnic area! I spent an entire day there with my brothers, and it was one of our favorite activities in La Fortuna.

What I didn’t do and why

Free Hot Springs 

The Hot Springs was the activity most recommended to me by my hostel. However, as it is free, there are a lot of people at any time of the day. It’s more difficult to bring your food because there’s no picnic area. That’s why I preferred to spend my day at Kalambu Hot Springs! 

Ecological Reserve Fortuna Waterfall

Honestly, I was told this waterfall was a waste of money. It cost 20US, and it is packed with tourists all the time. There’s almost no place to swim, and my friends at the hostel told me the waterfall wasn’t that impressive. That’s why I preferred to go to Cataratas Escondidas instead.

In need of a scooter?

You might need a scooter to do your different activities. Go to Scooter Rental La Fortuna Rentals. Valentina is simply the nicest person I have ever met. They also have the best prices in La Fortuna for scooters!

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