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Overnight Layover: Tips For Preparation And Comfort

Overnight Layover: Tips For Preparation And Comfort

Finding yourself stranded in an airport overnight can seem horrible, but with the right preparation and mindset, you might be able to turn it into a manageable and even somewhat enjoyable experience. Whether your flight is delayed, canceled, you have an unexpectedly long layover or you chose to spend the night at the airport to save money, knowing how to prepare yourself for a night in the airport can make all the difference. Here are some tips to help you have a better experience and ensure a comfortable night’s rest.

  1. Pack the essentials
  2. Find a comfortable spot
  3. Stay safe and secure
  4. Hydration and food
  5. Entertainment and distractions
  6. Dress in layers

Pack the essentials

Packing the right essentials is crucial. Include items such as a travel pillow, blanket (I prefer a travel sleeping bag, so small and warm), eye mask, earplugs, and a comfortable change of clothes, to help you create a cozy sleeping environment. 

You absolutely know you are going to spend the night because you planned it, to save some money? Of course, I did that more than once. My ultimate saver for nights in the airport is a floor mat. I bought mine at Mountain Warehouse in Ottawa and it is making my experience 200 times better. If I had to choose only one item for a night layover, it would be this one. At first, I was a bit shy to make a full setup with my floor mat, but when you have to spend 15 hours in an airport overnight, let me tell you that you don’t really care about the looks. 

Find a comfortable spot 

Get on a walk around the airport to find a good spot. Look for quiet areas away from high-traffic areas like gates or check-in counters. If the airport is really big, maybe you can find a gate that doesn’t have any flights for hours. Some airports, not a lot if you ask me, have designated sleeping zones or comfortable seating areas. 

Stay safe and secure

Airports are generally safe environments since everyone passes the security and cameras are everywhere. But, it’s still essential to stay vigilant and keep your belongings secure, especially when sleeping in a public space. Keep everything close at hand or securely stored in your bag. If you’re a deep sleeper, consider using a lock or cable to secure your luggage to a fixed object. Trust your instincts!

Hydration and food

It’s essential to stay hydrated and nourished throughout the night, and sometimes, airports don’t have a lot of access to food or beverages. Bring along a refillable water bottle and snacks. 

Entertainment and distractions

Download movies, TV shows, or podcasts, or if you prefer, bring along a book or magazine to read. Most airports offer free Wi-Fi or charging stations where you can recharge your devices.

Dress in layers

I never understand the temperature in airports. All I know for sure is it can get really cold at night. Definitely pack a sweater/hoodie that you can easily put on or take off as needed. Comfortable shoes are a plus but I won’t try to convince you since I’m always in socks and flip flops lol.

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