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Perfect Two Days Itinerary In Chefchaouen

Perfect Two Days Itinerary In Chefchaouen

As I said in my previous article “Where To Go In Morocco”, I think you need to spend 2 full days in this city. If I could go back in time, this is how I would plan my time in Chefchaouen.

  1. Best way to enjoy your morning (breakfast)  
  2. List of activities  
  3. Best way to enjoy lunch & dinner
  4. Enjoy the nightlife 
  5. How many nights you should spend in Chefchaouen

Best way to enjoy your morning (breakfast)

If you arrived the night before, and you are starting your day early in Chefchaouen, don’t waste any time. Get up and go eat your breakfast. In Morocco, when you sleep in a riad, breakfast is almost always included in the price. Get your stomach full of their delicious traditional breakfast.

List of activities 

Here is a list of activities to do in Chefchaouen. This is what I did when I was there, and it was perfect. If you plan to spend 2 full days in this city, this is plenty enough to keep you occupied:

  • Walking in the beautiful blue streets is the main reason to go to Chefchaouen. They are everywhere in the medina. This city is so pretty that I never got bored walking there. Doing all the streets and markets can take up to a full day if you take your time.
  • Watch the sunrise or the sunset close to the parking d’Al-Bab Sidi Bou Shouka (5PCQ+PQX, Chefchaouen, Morocco). You can also access this magical spot by walking in the medina and going up to the exterior of the old city.
  • Argania Chaouen: you need to see this incredible soap shop. I spent an hour smelling all the different products and walking in the shop. So worth your time!
  • Hike to the Spanish Mosque for incredible views of the city.

Best way to enjoy lunch & dinner 

In Morocco, lunch is typically between noon and 2:30 p.m. Dinner is between 7:30 and 9 p.mIn the main square, there are a lot of restaurants, but most of them are mainly for tourists. You won’t find the traditional Moroccan food with incredible flavours there. Here is a short list of restaurants I was recommended by locals that are worth spending your time at: 

  • Cafe Restaurant Sofia: The restaurant is owned by women who make delicious and authentic meals. 
  • Bab Ssour restaurant: Traditional meals. You need to try it, you won’t be disappointed.
  • Triana Restaurant: Great food with an incredible view of the city & live music. This one is less traditional than the other two, but still a great option.
  • Restaurant Lala Mesouda: This one is actually a recommendation from a friend. The flavours are true to Moroccan food and the staff is very nice! Don’t be shy to try it!

Enjoy the nightlife 

At night, the main square has so much life. After your big dinner, go enjoy some music and dancing. Treat yourself to a sweet dessert while you watch the spectacle and enjoy your night in Chefchaouen. 

*This is a picture of the main square in the day*

How many nights you should spend in Chefchaouen 

Here are the 2 options I mainly recommend:

If you arrive late at night there’s not much you can do except for dinner and going out. That is why I would recommend waking up early the next morning and spending the full day in Chefchaouen. You can sleep one more night (2 in total) and leave the next afternoon. You will have the morning of your second day to do more activities.  

If you arrive in the morning / the day you can start to explore the city on the day you get there. Have a nice dinner and go out at night. Sleep and enjoy one more day in this incredible city. In total, you will spend 2 nights there.  

You have now had the perfect two full days in Chefchaouen. You have, in my opinion, seen the best side of it. It is now time for you to start exploring the amazing other regions of Morocco in the following days. 

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