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Prepare Yourself For A Long Layover: 6 Tips For Airport Survival

Prepare Yourself For A Long Layover: 6 Tips For Airport Survival

Long layovers at airports can be a traveler’s nightmare and/or a way to save money. Instead of aimlessly wandering around terminals, feeling bored or frustrated, there are plenty of ways to make the most of your time and even enjoy your layover. With a bit of planning and creativity, you can turn those long hours between flights into a “not so bad” part of your journey.

  1. Research airport facilities
  2. Pack essentials in your carry-on
  3. Explore airport lounges
  4. Get moving
  5. Catch up on work or entertainment
  6. Have to sleep in the airport?

Research airport facilities

Before you arrive, take some time to research the airport where you’ll have your layover. In most airports, you will find a range of amenities. Options often go from comfortable lounges and restaurants to entertainment options like movie theaters or even indoor gardens. Knowing what’s available can help you plan how to spend your time most efficiently.

Pack essentials in your carry-on

Having all the essentials in your carry-on bag to keep you comfortable during your layover is a must. Check out my article 7 Essential Things to Pack in Your Carry-On to help you pack!

Explore airport lounges

This option is definitely for a minority of people, but if you have access to an airport lounge, take advantage of it. They often offer comfortable seating, complimentary snacks and drinks, Wi-Fi, and sometimes even shower facilities. It’s a luxury you should definitely use to relax and recharge during your layover.

Get moving

After sitting for extended periods of time, you will probably feel stiff. Use the opportunity to get moving. Simply walking around can help, but your airport might have a designated exercise area for you to stretch and get your blood flowing. 

Catch up on work or entertainment

It can be a perfect time to catch up on work or simply watch a movie. Set up your laptop or tablet in a quiet corner, tackle some emails or work tasks, download movies, TV shows, or even podcasts to entertain yourself during your wait.

Have to sleep in the airport?

You can definitely apply all these tips to your overnight layover but, you’ll definitely need more than that. Check out Overnight Layover: Tips For Preparation And Comfort to help you plan your night in the airport.

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