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Where To Go In Bosnia And Herzegovina

Where To Go In Bosnia And Herzegovina

Welcoming, historic, beautiful, captivating and unforgettable are 5 of the best words to perfectly describe Bosnia and Herzegovina. More than that, this country’s people and their open arms have captured my heart. I cannot describe properly how much this place left such an incredible mark on me. To share its beauty, I will tell you about my favorite places in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Before that, let me give you more details about how to visit this country:  

Bosnia and Herzegovina is a bit different from other European countries. What I mean by that is there are really only 2 cities worth staying at and exploring in detail. The other known places are mostly recommended as day trips from Mostar or Sarajevo. I was skeptical at first because I am used to exploring a minimum of 5 cities in a European country, but I loved my experience in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It was really nice to sleep in one place for multiple days while exploring other regions of this amazing country. Whether you are interested in history, nature or food, Bosnia and Herzegovina has something for everyone!


Mostar is a famous city in Bosnia and Herzegovina known for its architectural gems, like the Old Bridge (UNESCO World Heritage Site). The cobblestone streets, the lively bazaars and the turquoise Neretva River that runs through the city make Mostar a one of a kind destination. More than that, the city is located in a valley surrounded by mountains, offering breathtaking views.

If you are looking for a warm and welcoming atmosphere, Mostar is a delightful destination for you. PS: if you couldn’t already tell, it is my favorite city in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 


I recommend spending at least 2 full days in Mostar (without the day trips) to experience what the city has to offer. To know more, check out: 9 Of The Best Things To Do In Mostar.


Sarajevo is the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Being the capital, you don’t have a choice but to visit this historic city. Did you know that the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand took place at the Latin Bridge in Sarajevo? This act was the start of World War I.


Anyway, the main attraction in Sarajevo is its charming old town, Baščaršija, with its narrow streets, bustling markets, and traditional Ottoman-style architecture. If you are looking for a city that offers a unique and enriching experience, Sarajevo is for you!

I also recommend spending at least 2 full days in Sarajevo. To know more, check out:  7 Of The Best Things To Do In Sarajevo.

Blagaj – Day trip from Mostar

One of my favorite pictures from my trip to Bosnia and Herzegovina is from Blagaj. As I said, I recommend exploring this small village on a day trip from Mostar. The highlight of Blagaj is a monastery, the Blagaj Tekija, built into the side of a cliff next to the Buna River. It is possible to explore the 16th-century Dervish monastery and take a boat ride along the river. I was told the fee to visit the cave on a boat wasn’t worth it since you don’t see many things inside the cave. And honestly, the view from outside is more than enough. 


Buna River is also an incredible thing on its own. It is the largest underground river in Europe. The water emerges from a cave at the base of a cliff, creating a beautiful blue, cold and translucid river. These 2 aspects make Blagaj a must-visit spot in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 

Kravica Waterfall – Day trip from Mostar

I think the picture speaks for itself. Kravica Waterfall is a true natural gem in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Often referred to as the “mini Niagara Falls” because of its impressive size and cascading beauty, the area around the waterfall is perfect for picnics and relaxation.


During the summer, it’s also possible to swim in the crystal-clear waters. I must tell you though that the water is absolutely freezing. 

Once again, I recommend doing this stop on a day trip from Mostar. If you don’t plan on doing this activity on a day trip, the entrance fee is 20 KM (15$ CAD).

Pocitelj – Day trip from Mostar

Pocitelj is a charming little town known for its well-preserved medieval architecture and its unique blend of Ottoman and Mediterranean influences. The iconic landmark in this town is the Hajji Alija Mosque from the 16th century. The panoramic views from the mosque or the Pocitelj Fortress of the town and the surrounding countryside are breathtaking. If you’re a fan of historic sites and old towns, you’ll have a blast in Pocitelj! 

This stop is free since you mainly walk in the beautiful streets of this town. Once more, I recommend doing this stop on a day trip from Mostar.


Mogorjelo – Day trip from Mostar

Mogorjelo was a Roman villa and now known as an archaeological site. As you explore the site, you’ll see the remains of the villa’s grand halls, mosaic floors, and even a Roman bath complex. If you love to walk through history and imagine what life was like during the Roman era, this activity is for you!  

It is also possible to visit Mogorjelo from Mostar as a day trip.

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